当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 用神经网络方法估算土的预固结压力 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol11noSpecial/estimation-of-the-pre-consolidation-pressure-in-soils-using-ann-method/ 2016-08-31 2018-11-27 m . r . Motahari 第11卷第1期特刊(2016年)

Introduction The maximum historical effective stress of soil is referred to pre-consolidation pressure and determines the changes of stress during the formation of soil.1 Due to the difference of geological effect and the stress changes, the process of consolidation may differ during the formation and current process. According to the definition of pre-consolidation pressure, when the external load is lower than the pre-consolidation pressure, the natural soil only has a tiny deforma...


用新开发的自动分级机定量粗骨料的棱角。 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol11noSpecial/quantification-of-coarse-aggregate-angularity-by-a-newly-developed-auto-grader-machine/ 2016-08-31 2018-11-27 ZAHRA, RATNASAMY 第11卷第1期特刊(2016年)

Introduction There is a consensus among researchers that the aggregate shape properties affect performance, but a debate has arisen over the ability of the tests to quantify the related shape properties. In compacted mixtures, angular-shaped particles exhibit greater interlock and internal friction, and, hence, result in greater mechanical stability than do rounded particles (Little, Button et al, 2003). Thus, angular and rough-textured aggregates are crucial to develop interlocking among agg...

让大学校园适合肢体和运动残障人士(案例研究:德黑兰大学美术学院) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol11noSpecial/making-university-campuses-suitable-for-the-physical-and-motor-disabled-people-case-study-college-of-fine-arts-university-of-tehran/ 2016-08-31 2018-12-01 晨祷,卡塔洋 第11卷第1期特刊(2016年)

Introduction One of the principles accepted by the philosophers is the principle of movement. They believe that the world is thoroughly in the course of movement and movement in human includes gradual change and development of any creature to improve the forces stored in it to excellence. Therefore, necessary facilities for evolution and improvement should be available for all classes of the society. Disabled people are not an exclusion to this rule. Their existence among other classes of the...

任何社会的发展和繁荣在很大程度上取决于福利设施的供应和提供合适的空间来使用它们。These facilities assist in the grounds for social growth only if their scope covers all individuals of the society with special needs. Since a major part of any society is constituted by the aged, disabled, impaired and disabled people, failure to pay attention to that class not only may result in their lack of motivation and deprivation of society fro

如何建造一种球型圆顶——简单地说,球型圆顶的建造概述和介绍,并配以这种结构设计一个研究中心 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol11noSpecial/an-overview-and-introduction-for-construction-of-geodesic-domes-in-a-simple-word-in-addition-with-studding-a-case-and-designing-a-research-center-with-this-structure/ 2016-08-31 2018-12-01 Maryam Ghorbanzadeh 第11卷第1期特刊(2016年)

Introduction Geodesic dome is a space type of structure that looks like a section of a ball or sphere. This instrument is made of a grid of triangles that eventually form a spherical surface. The greater the number of triangles the better form of a sphere-shaped dome is approached. (Urner, 2016) The using hardness and stability of triangle will cause the strength of dome and integration of the parts spreads the force in all the sphere so finally the geodesic dome makes an efficient structure....


采用UL 263国际标准对钢结构中水泥耐火材料进行评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol11noSpecial/evaluation-of-cementitious-fire-resistive-material-in-steel-structures-using-ul-263-international-standards/ 2016-08-31 2018-12-01 埃尔凡·卡泽米,侯赛因·埃玛约姆 第11卷第1期特刊(2016年)

Introduction The issue of steel structures fireproof is one of the issues highly considered globally during the recent years. Considering firefighting and Tehran Municipality instructions on compulsion of making steel structures fireproof, cementitious materials is one of the materials accepted in Iran to fulfill this issue.1 Firecut-F1 cement based fireproof substance which is used exclusively by Beta Engineering Group in Iran is one of these materials. Two important discussions of ...

考虑到结构钢在550-550℃的一定温度范围内,其热阻损失一半,因此,根据UL 263和ASTM-E119国际标准,需要对所有截面进行喷涂防火物质的厚度,以加强结构。然而,根据伊朗使用的结构使用这些标准受到工程师们的各种意见的影响,这里已经尝试过,这些关系的某一部分是成比例的 为建筑的特定功能选择合适的新结构 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol11noSpecial/appropriate-new-structure-selection-for-a-specific-function-of-architecture/ 2016-08-31 2018-11-27 Maryam Ghorbanzadeh 第11卷第1期特刊(2016年)

Introduction To achieve the necessary harmony between architectural design and its construction requires analysis of a variety of structures and choosing the most appropriate one for each function. Due to extensive requirements and the need to improve the quality of building as is common in most large countries the best industrial production methods and the most use of new structures should be considered. So that our architecture in Iran needs to change from traditional methods to modern m...


第三位 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol11noSpecial/third-place/ 2016-08-31 2019-03-11 Mahsa Zamiri, Mohamad Zamiri 第11卷第1期特刊(2016年)

Introduction  City is the most clear aspect of human need for social life which formed from sum relations between people with each other and with their around environment. Principally, a city is alive and dynamic where experiences, demands and its habitants appear in it. The city can allows to its habitants to see each other and percept attendance sense in a active urban environment, shoulder to shoulder and age to age .this chance, best place for appearing, will be attain in public...

第三名不是house也不是济贫院。它是一个介于两个地方之间的地方,可以在没有任何压力的情况下与朋友相聚、休息、喝酒。Roy Oldenburg这样定义第三个地方:第三个地方是人们可以在一起交流的地方。相反,第一位置(房子)和第二位置(工作室)允许人们在一起,享受交谈和在一起的乐趣。街角、咖啡网、咖啡店等第三场所是人们的基础 城市广告在城市景观质量中的作用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol11noSpecial/the-role-of-urban-advertising-in-quality-of-urban-land-scape/ 2016-08-31 2018-11-27 Mahsa Zamiri 第11卷第1期特刊(2016年)

Introduction 21 century is the century of information revolution and the media variety is one of the properties of these times.  In a time when communication period known as his propaganda presented as an advanced knowledge and as an important tool for economic purposes and has a lot of influence in the labor market. Now imagine a city without billboards and advertising signs and symbols is not possible and urban advertising is an inseparable part of the layout of cities. Urban adver...

赞詹波斯住宅建筑中的气候模式和社会可持续性模式的识别,以身份为基础的方法对今天的住房和#39 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol11noSpecial/recognition-of-patterns-of-climatic-and-social-sustainability-patterns-in-architecture-of-persian-homes-of-zanjan-with-identity-based-approach-to-todays-housing/ 2016-08-31 2018-11-27 Erfan Rasouli, Mehran Dashti 第11卷第1期特刊(2016年)

Introduction Architectural space and causes major has changed its organization, methods of transformation in the spatial organization. Historical backgrounds, cultural, social and environmental factors are very effective in shaping the architecture. At the beginning of the third millennium, people's lifestyle, needs and subsequent body and their environment has changed. These developments during the time period that is effective and strained to various reasons such as developments ...

GIS集成模型中HEC-HMS和HEC-RAS模型的集成模拟洪水(以卡拉伊地区为例) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol11noSpecial/the-integrate-of-hec-hms-and-hec-ras-models-in-gis-integration-models-to-simulate-flood-case-study-the-area-of-karaj/ 2016-08-31 2018-12-01 Amir Abbas Khaghan , Barat Mojaradi 第11卷第1期特刊(2016年)

Introduction Flood is one of the major natural disasters that damage from disasters such as drought and famine is more human than the others (Green et al.,2008). Various studies indicate that lack of attention to privacy issues and rivers, causing an exponential growth in the frequency of flooding and the damage is among urban and semi urban and greatest potential flood risk model. Because complete protection from the risk of flooding is not possible (more et al.,2008), living in the flood of...
